Collaborate With Us

If you are interested in writing for MITL MAG, you’ve come to the right place. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the editorial tone and visual aesthetic of MITL MAG to see if it relates with your own. We would relish the opportunity to establish a relationship with you, look at your work, and perhaps collaborate on an article or creative experiment of sorts.


To pitch an article you’d like to write, include a summary describing the article idea, an approximate length and date it could be finished.

We prefer completed submissions as Word or Pages attachments. Your name and one- to two-sentence bio should be included with your submission. We don’t pay for web articles, but we do include a byline, bio and link. All articles will be edited for length, grammar, content, style and tone.

To pitch a story idea or submit a feature for, contact us here. (If the link doesn’t work, email us at We do our best to respond to all inquiries, but be aware we are sometimes inundated. If you have not heard back from us after 1-2 weeks, please assume we will not be able to use your idea or submission.


Follow us — @mitlmag